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Electrical transformers are electromagnetic devices that transform power from one circuit to another, either by increasing or reducing voltage.

The main functions of an electrical transformer are to step up or step down voltage to the level required for printed circuit boards.

Components of a Transformer and What They Do

Transformers have three major components:

  1. Primary coil
  2. Core
  3. Secondary coil

For a transformer to work, AC current is applied to the primary coil, which creates a pulsing magnetic field. The core then directs the magnetic field to the secondary coil, which is where the electrons within it are forced to move. This creates an electric current.

Contact Winshine Electric

Whatever your need for electrical transformers, you can count on Winshine Electric to design, prototype, and manufacture according to your specifications.

To find out more about our process and what we can do, contact us today!


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